Why are you doing this?
Currently, YMCA programs help hundreds of kids with activites that range from swiming and basketball, to soccer and baseball. Unfortunately, these programs often lack the necessary equipment. Sports2Kids.org is an effort by people who want to help these programs and the children who enjoy them.
What kind of sports equipment do you need?
We are seeking a wide range of sports equipment including:
Soccer balls
Floor hockey equipment
T-ball equipment (stands, throw-down bases, etc.)
Tetherball equipment
Volley ball equipment
Jump ropes
Ping-pong tables
Foosball tables
Air hockey tables
Who benefits from my donation?
The Sacramento YMCA, which ultimately receives your donation, currently conducts programs in Sacramento, El Dorado, Yolo and Yuba Counties.
How can I verify that Sports2Kids.org is working with the YMCA of Superior California?
Cindy Chase is our contact at the Sacramento YMCA, she can be reached at: cchase@ymcasuperiorcal.org
Or on the phone at 916-452-9622 extension 108.
Can I simply donate cash?
Absolutely! However, we would ask that you send those donations directly to the YMCA, please email Cindy Chase and she can handle your donation.
How do I donate?
Simply click here and we'll arrange to pick up your sports equipment.
Is my donation tax deductable?
Yes, the YMCA is a federally recognized non-profit organization (Federal Tax ID:94-1156634). Please consult your tax instructions for more information about claiming a donation you make as a deduction.